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Last week, Avibras facility in Jacareí received important visits from the Brazilian Army (EB). On October 2nd, 11 military personnel, three from EB and nine foreigners from friendly nations, from the International Strategic Studies Course (CIEE) of the Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME), were at the company to learn about the technological and production capabilities of Avibras and the strategic projects with the Armed Forces.

On October 3rd, the company received the Army Artillery Commander, Brigade General Moisés da Paixão Júnior, from the Rockets and Missiles Artillery Instruction Centre (CIArtMslFgt), accompanied by 15 military personnel, including instructors and students from the Planning and Employment Course of Missiles and Rockets System for Senior Officers, the Army General Staff Course (QEMA) and the Logistics Manager Course of the Missiles and Rockets System.

The goal was to learn about the company's potential and the production of the ASTROS Missiles and Rockets Artillery System.

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On October 4th, the technical visit by students and instructors of the Advanced Aviation Course of the Army Aviation Instruction Centre (CIAvEx) took place. They learned about the industrial and technological capability of the 70 mm Skyfire System, which is part of the broad portfolio of products developed by Avibras, and allows for two distinct applications, one as axial armament for aircraft (air-to-surface) and the other as an area saturation system (surface-to-surface).

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EATI – The Avibras Technology and Innovation Space (EATI) located in the São José dos Campos Technology Park also received on September 28th a visit from the Technological Management and Innovation Agency (AGITEC) / EB Department of Science and Technology (DCT) during the event Innovation Week 2023.

The delegation had the opportunity to learn more about the company, the partnership possibilities and the purpose of EATI, which is to be Avibras' Technology and Innovation embassy for research, development and innovation in an environment of partnerships and collaboration with universities and research institutes and development agencies.

This movement strengthens the triple helix, a concept that points to the joint action between companies, academia and government as the path to technological innovation and the country's economic development.

Avibras Tecnologia
