

Aiming at fulfilling the needs and expectations of its clients, Avibras focuses on the constant search for excellence and continuous improvement of its processes and products.

Implemented since 1970, the Quality Management System is certified with national and international recognition in three different standards: AS9100D:2016, AQAP2110D and ISO9001:2015. To that end, Avibras relies on certification bodies approved by the Brazilian Armed Forces, nationally by INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology) and internationally by IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group).

The current certifications put Avibras in a prominent place regarding the compliance with the most rigorous standards of Quality Management System, having as its main principles the focus on client, leadership, people engagement, process approach, continuous improvement, decision making based on evidence, and relations management. All activities are performed in accordance with guidelines and standards such as ISO, AS, ASTM, STANAG, SAE, NEB, FED-STD, ABNT/NBR, Military Standards and others.


In addition to certification ISSO9001:2015 in its areas and processes of surface treatment, the Quality Management System is certified as per AS9100D:2016 criteria, complying with the highest standards and requirements of quality stablished for Industries in the areas of Aeronautics, Space and Defence.

With strong actuation in Aerospace and Defence, Avibras’ Quality Management System is also certified as per AQAP2110-Edition D (Allied Quality Assurance Publication), used by the countries which are part of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) ensuring the implementation and maintenance of a robust and high-level Quality Management System.