Avibras complies with the laws, rules and regulations in all areas of activity, whether for contracts with the Brazilian government or with foreign governments, as well as the contracts with private companies, suppliers and any other institutions.

Due to the nature of the business, specific laws and regulations can be applied, such as the Export Control requirement. Such regulations are treated seriously and respected in their entirety by the company. All information provided to the government or Control Institutions are accurate and complete. Violations of this procedure are considered very serious and may result in consequences provided for by law and by the company's Code of Conduct.


All export contracts concluded at Avibras are duly informed to the competent institutions, namely, the Brazilian Government, that, even before the preliminary negotiations with potential clients, authorizes the company to negotiate with any and all countries. The products exported are exactly those as specified in the contract, and any changes in scope must be authorized and agreed in writing by both parties – Avibras and Customer.