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- Published: 19 October 2016

On the last 14th October, the launching of another Basic Training Rocket (FTB), developed and manufactured by Avibras, took place in the Launching Centre of Alcântara (CLA), in Alcântara - MA. This event is part of Falcão I/2016 Operation, which aimed in the operational training of the centre team for preparation, launching, and tracking of rockets.
The event was carried out with the presence of the Air Force Colonel Cláudio Olany Alencar de Oliveira, CLA´s director, the Air Force Lieutenant-Colonel José Alberto dos Santos Bezerra, Training Rocket Project Manager (Projeto Foguete de Treinamento - FOGTREIN) and the Avibras Sales Executive Mr. Marco Aurélio Almeida.
The rocket launching was successfully performed. The Basic Training Rocket (FTB) followed theexpected flight path and the nominal parameters were reached.