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- Published: 29 June 2016

After one year with no hydrotherapy (physiotherapy in water) for its patients, the Cepac – “Criança Especial” de Pais Companheiros Association (“Special Children” of Partners Parents Association), a non-profit institution from Jacareí, can now celebrate. Avibras donated a heat exchanger, an essential equipment to heat the swimming pools where the therapy of people with neurological disabilities is done.
The delivery took place in June 23th and was attended by Avibras Corporate Governance Director Márcio Santos, members of Avibras Sustainability Committee, Patrícia Santarém and Márcia Assad, the President of the Chamber Representatives of Jacareí, Arildo Batista and the Institution representatives, Antonio Amado Pinto, president, and Ana Maria Bonfim, manager.
The Avibras Sustainability Committee recently took part in a meeting with the President of the Chamber of Representatives of Jacareí to identify the social-assistance entities to develop joint assistance projects. At the occasion, Arildo presented the entities of the city, explaining the type of activities and profile of each one, as well as the history of their acomplishments in benefit of the population.
Due to the history and exclusive work of Cepac, Avibras decided to cooperate with the donation of a heat exchanger, an imminent need of the institution. According to the Avibras Corporate Governance Director, Márcio Santos, Avibras action is as important as its economic performance and the quality of its products. The social responsibility actions are part of the mission of Avibras.
Márcio also asserts that sustainable development, transparency and ethics at the organization are constant themes in Avibras agenda. “The discourse is associated to its practice. For this reason, the Ethics and Sustainability Committees are fundamental to engage the external and internal public to a culture of social integrity and responsibility”, he stated.
Gratitude – The Cepac manager, Ana Maria Bonfim, declared that this donation represents a great benefit to all patients, mainly the children. According to her the equipment is extremely important allowing the restart of the hydrotherapy and aquarobics activities in the institution, contributing to the improvement of the respiratory capacity, global motor coordination, balance and muscular tonus of the patients. “The dream of the children was coming back to the swimming pool. We express deep gratitude to Avibras for this generous donation”, highlighted Ana Maria.
The president of the Chamber of Representatives of Jacareí, Arildo Batista, stressed the importance of the collaboration of the private sector towards the community. “By means of this donation, Avibras states its values and commitment to the Social Responsibility. Congratulations!”, he completed.
Founded in 1987, the Cepac promotes educational, clinical, and social-assistance actions for people with neurological disabilities (physical, intellectual, hearing, visual, and multiple disabilities, syndromes and autism spectrum disorder) as well as their respective families.
Its mission is to provide habilitation and rehabilitation to its patients by means of joint actions, as well as to improve their quality of life and social integration. Currently Cepac assists around 180 people with neurological disabilities and has almost 40 employees.
You can also be part of this great work. Visit the website www.cepaconline.org.br to learn more about this organization and how to make donations.