Imagem Eati 

AVIBRAS Aerospace Industry innovates again with the creation of the EATI (Avibras Technology and Innovation Space) that will be opened on December 18, at 1:30 P.M., at Centro Empresarial IV at São José dos Campos Technology Park. The event will have the attendance of government authorities, representatives of the Academia, research institutes and other companies.

EATI was created to be AVIBRAS embassy for research, development and innovation in products and solutions related to Defense, Space and Public Security in partnership with universities, research centers and other companies with similar technological bases.  

The goal is to ensure AVIBRAS evolution in the development of strategic technologies and new products as well as business with its own know how, processes and proper tools to guarantee its perpetuity.

Some of the EATI objectives are:  identify, in Brazil, universities, science and technology institutions and companies capable to develop synergy in research lines of common interest; search for professionals with technical knowledge in Technologies that will be coordinated and integrated by EATI and explore the “Triple Helix” concept, that aims at the collective action among company, academia and government as the path for technological innovation and economic development of the country.

EATI will also perform activities such as rapid prototyping, manufacture, assembly and tests of concepts; sponsorship and participation of integration events (workshops, seminars and meetings); promotion of a permanent Innovation Forum through lectures and structured events; promotion of academic-industrial research and knowledge application through scholarships, besides the search for governmental and private incentive: technological orders, subsides, promotion and funding. 

 “We believe that in an innovative ecosystem as the one we have at São José dos Campos Technology Park, AVIBRAS can be the anchor to lead the innovations developed with partnership with science institutions and other companies to new products, within an industrial scale and global presence, creating a circle of innovation not only in the region but in the country as a whole”, declared the Engineering Director, Fernando Ranieri. 


Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial is a privately-owned Brazilian company recognized worldwide for the excellence and quality of its products and systems.  Its essence resides in the company's innovation and independence in critical technologies in the areas of aeronautics, space, electronics, vehicles and defense. aeronautics, space, electronics, vehicles and defense

With large, modern facilities located in Vale do Paraíba, in the state of São Paulo, the main aerospace technology hub in Brazil, Avibras creates competitive differentials of quality and innovation, that are essential to maintain itself as a big player in the Defense world market.

In the course of 58 years, Avibras has consolidated its position as a driver of development by doing business in a way that generates value for customers, shareholders and society in a sustainable manner. AVIBRAS is among the 100 biggest exportation companies in Brazil and is proud of being part of the Brazilian Strategic Defense Industrial Base.
