SCV 6410 SCV 6416 
On June 17th, Avibras received the “Friend of the Airborne Brigade” titleship, in military ceremony which took place in the 12th Light Infantry Brigade (Airborne), in Caçapava – São Paulo. The objective of the ceremony was to recognize the people and companies who provide relevant services to that Military Unit.

The engineer Eduardo Avila (DCBA/AMC) represented Avibras during the event. “Receiving this title in the name of the company brings me great honor. I am proud to see the gratitude of the Brazilian Army towards the activities supported by Avibras and in which the company takes part.”, he said.

According to Eduardo Avila, Avibras is a singular company in terms of partnership. The company does not hold anything back to praise the military institutions that are part of the national territory defense.

Anniversary – The event celebrated the 97th Brigade Anniversary. The Brigade Commander Major General Rolemberg Ferreira da Cunha took the opportunity to inform that, from that day on, according to the Decree 517 of May 19th 2016, the Brazilian Army Commander, General Eduardo Dias da Costa Villas Bôas, granted to the 12th Brigade the historical title of Fornovo Di Taro Brigade, due to its important achievements and victories during the 2nd World War.
