2016 Sustainability Report



GRI content

Adherence to the guidelines

Avibras publishes its first sustainability report. The company is compliant with the requirements for the core option of the GRI G4 guidelines.


Remissive Index

Strategy and analysisG4-1 Message from the chief executiveMessage from the president
 G4-2 Description of main impacts, risks and opportunitiesOrganization and management mechanisms
Organizational profileG4-3 Name of the organizationWho we are
 G4-4 Primary brands, products and/or servicesInnovation and technology
 G4-5 Location of the organization's headquartersWho we are
 G4-6 Countries in which the operation's main or most relevant units for the sustainability aspects of the report are locatedWho we are
 G4-7 Nature of ownership and legal formWho we are
 G4-8 Markets servedInnovation and technology
 G4-9 Scale of organizationWho we are
 G4-10 Employee profileLeadership and people
 G4-11 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreementsWith the exception of interns, employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements. Third-party employees are covered by the agreements of their respective unions. All employees are represented by the Metalworkers' Union and the agreements signed apply to all of them.
 G4-12 Description of organization’s supply chainBusiness culture
 G4-13 Significant changes in the organization’s size, structure, ownership, and supplier chainNo significant changes
 G4-14 Description of how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organizationBusiness culture
 G4-15 Social charters, principles, or other initiatives developed externallyOperational excellence
 G4-16 Participation in associations and organizationsAvibras is a member of industry associations both in Brazil and overseas. These include: Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Material de Defesa e Segurança (Abimde), Sindicato Nacional das Indústrias de Materiais de Defesa (Simde), Associação das Indústrias Aeroespaciais do Brasil (AIAB) and the Association of the United States Army (AUSA).
Material aspects identified and boundariesG4-17 Entities included in the organization's consolidated financial statements, and entities not included in the reportWho we are
 G4-18 Process for defining the report contentPresentation
 G4-19 List of material aspectsMateriality matrix
 G4-20 Boundary within the organization for each material aspectMateriality matrix
 G4-21 Boundary outside the organization for each material aspectMateriality matrix
 G4-22 Restatements of information provided in previous reportsNot applicable. This was the first report published by the company.
 G4-23 Significant changes in scope and boundaries of material aspects in relation to previous reportsNot applicable. This was the first report published by the company.
Stakeholder engagementG4-24 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organizationWho we are
 G4-25 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engageWho we are
 G4-26 Approach to stakeholder engagementWho we are
 G4-27 Key topics and concerns that have been raised through engagement, by stakeholder groupWho we are
Report profileG4-28 Reporting periodPresentation
 G4-29 Date of most recent previous reportNot applicable. This was the first report published by the company.
 G4-30 Reporting cycleThis is the first report published by Avibras. The reporting cycle has not yet been defined.
 G4-31 Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contentssustentabilidade@avibras.com.br
 G4-32 Opção da aplicação das diretrizes e localização da tabela GRIPresentation
GovernançaG4-33 Política e prática atual relativa à busca de verificação externa para o relatórioThe report was not submitted for external assurance
 G4-34 Organization's governance structureOrganization and management mechanisms
Ethics and integrityG4-56 Values, principles, standards and norms of behavior in the organizationBusiness culture

Categoria econômica  
Economic performanceG4-DMA Management approachResults: financial health
 G4-EC1: Added value statementResults: financial health
 G4-EC4: Financial assistance received from governmentAvibras received support in the form of subventions for investment and research. In 2015 the amount was R$ 2,122,000 and in the last year it was R$ 1,845,000.
 G4-EC5: Ratio of lowest salary paid to local minimum salaryLeadership and people
Indirect economic impactsG4-EC8: Description of significant indirect economic impactsSocial and environmental performance
Environmental Category  
GeralG4-DMA Management approachSocial and environmental performance
 G4-EN31: Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by typeSocial and environmental performance
Social Category - Labor practices and decent work  
EmploymentG4-DMA Management approachLeadership and people
 G4-LA1: Employee admissions and turnover rateLeadership and people
 G4-LA2: Benefits for full-time and temporary workersLeadership and people
Saúde e segurança no trabalhoG4-LA6: Injury, occupational disease and absenteeism ratesLeadership and people
 G4-LA7: Incidence or risk of occupation-related diseasesThere are no records of occupation related diseases. We had isolated cases of asbestosis related to the use of a determined product in the 1980s and 1990s. However this risk was mitigated by the substitution of the product
Training and educationG4-DMA Management approachLeadership and people
 G4-LA9 Average hours training per yearLeadership and people
 G4-LA10 Programs for skills management and lifelong learningLeadership and people
Complaint and grievance mechanisms related to labor practicesG4-DMA Management approachLeadership and people
 G4-LA16 Number of complaints and grievances related to labor practices filed by means of formal mechanismLeadership and people
Social category - Society  
Local communitiesG4-DMA Management approachSocial and environmental performance
 G4-SO1 Percentage of operations with local community engagement, impact assessment and local development programsSocial and environmental performance
Combate à corrupçãoG4-DMA Management approachBusiness culture
 G4-SO4 Percentage of employees trained in anti-corruption policies and proceduresBusiness culture
 G4-SO5 Confirmed cases of corruption and measures takenBusiness culture
Public policiesG4-DMA Management approachIn 2016, Avibras made no financial contributions to parties or politicians
 G4-SO6 Policies on financial contributions to political parties, politicians or institutions
Complaint and grievance mechanisms related to impacts on societyG4-DMA Management approachThere were no cases of complaints in the last three years (from 2014 to 2016)
 G4-SO11 Number of complaints and grievances related to impacts on society filed, addressed and resolved by means of formal mechanism
Social Category - Product Responsibility  
Customer health and safetyG4-DMA Management approachOperational excellence
 G4-PR1 Assessment of health and safety impacts during the product and service life cycleOperational excellence
 G4-PR2 Non-conformance related to impacts caused by products and servicesOperational excellence
Product and service labelingG4-DMA Management approachOperational excellence
 G4-PR5 Results of surveys measuring customer satisfactionOperational excellence