Innovation and technology: differentials that ensure recognition
In business for over 50 years, Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial S.A. is an innovative, technology driven Brazilian company that generates jobs and income, making a significant contribution to the country’s development. This privately owned company is a pioneer in the country’s Defence Industry, developing and manufacturing special vehicles, mainly for military use. It also has a global reputation for its innovation and independence in technologies in the Aeronautics, Electronics, Vehicle and Defence segments. 102-1 | 102-5 | 102-6
Avibras is based in Brazil’s main aerospace hub – the Vale do Paraíba region of São Paulo state. Its headquarters are in São José dos Campos and the company has large, modern facilities in the cities of Jacareí (SP) and Lorena (SP). 102-3
Its vocation in technology and innovation is evident in the development and manufacture of a number of complex products and systems, worthy of note being: the ASTROS System, ground-to-ground rockets, air-to-ground rockets, cruise missiles, engines for various kinds of missiles, C4ISTAR systems (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance), Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), etc.
The domestic market is essential for Avibras because it fosters technological development, reinforcing the company’s position in the Industrial Defence base (BID in the Portuguese acronym) as a partner of the Brazilian Armed Forces in key defence programmes. In parallel, the organization’s strong export bias has ensured widespread international recognition.
Avibras has AS9100:2016 international quality certification, specifically for the Aeronautic, Space and Defence industry. It is also certified in INAvEx 1005 to meet the requirements of the Brazilian Army Aviation Command (CAvEx) and the Air Force Command for product and service provision. Avibras also has international ISO 9001 quality certification in surface treatment standards and Allied Quality Assurance Publication certification (AQAP 2110), guaranteeing endorsement by the armed forces in the aerospace industry.

A Avibras will invest over R$72 million in its Lorena facility, building a new plant for the production of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB), an essential input in the production of solid rocket propellant. This capability is essential for the rockets in the new Brazilian Space Programme (PEB).
he investment is strategic for both for Brazil and for Avibras as a means of guaranteeing the country’s sovereignty in the production of the solid fuel necessary for the aerospace industry.
The company is constructing the new plant using its own funds and a 100% reimbursable loan from the Brazilian development bank, BNDES.

The new plant will generate a significant number of direct and indirect jobs in the region. The facility is scheduled to come into operation at the end of 2019 and will have an annual production capacity of up to 2,000 tons of HTPB. This will reinforce the chemical-industrial vocation of the Lorena complex, which also produces ammonium perchlorate, another essential component in the manufacture of solid fuel.
The construction of the HTPB plant will ensure the country’s self-sufficiency in this material, safeguarding Brazilian interests in the event of embargoes, given that the material is produced by a limited number of countries, none of which are located in the southern hemisphere.
In addition to the defence and aerospace industries, hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene has a number of civilian applications, being used for insulation, adhesive seals, liquid-proofing, encapsulation, coatings and films, etc.
DRIVERS 102-16
To pursue the best possible results, ensuring the dedication and engagement of all.
To develop the company’s own innovative, independent technology in the fields of Aeronautics, Space, Electronics, Vehicles and Defence, generating sustainable value for customers, shareholders, employees and society.
To be a benchmark in Brazil in technological independence, characterized by unique solutions, robustness, technical boldness, competitiveness and responsibility, always guided by the nation’s broader interests.
Values and culture
Safety – To rigorously ensure safety in the broader sse: occupational safety, safety in travel, security for property and information security.
Quality – All employees are expected to comply with internal procedures, demonstrating willingness, keenness and awareness.
On-time delivery – Honouring commitments to customers is essential.
Costs – To increase competitiveness, control cash flow and leverage results.
Healthy workplace – To ensure that the company is a great place to work, where employees can achieve fulfilment.
Sustainability – To obtain a fair profit while serving society, being useful to the nation and driving economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Respect for people – To value the human capital that identifies with the company culture, remaining permanently updated, innovative and productive, constituting a living example of evolution without revolution.
Team spirit – To be capable of working alone and in teams, showing mutual respect, zeal and willingness, without stealing the limelight. To engage in open dialogue.
Innovation – To remain alert, using sources of competitive advantage to exploit opportunities to use and commercialize the company’s technology in new market niches, responding rapidly and with quality to customer requests.
Robustness – To organize the company for consistent growth, avoiding adventures that might put its survival at risk.
Strategic technology – To diversify markets and stabilize revenues, based on the knowledge and technologies developed.
Guidelines for success – To use internal procedures in a creative, proactive manner, as a recipe for success in the pursuit of leading edge solutions. To focus on results and collaboration, assuming ownership of the company’s goals.
Valuing principles – Commitment to the company’s values. Wherever we are, we will always be Avibras professionals.
Focus on results – To act in an integrated and planned way, aimed at optimizing time and resources in order to achieve our goals and meet our deadlines with quality.
Harmony with the environment – Commitment to the best environmental practices and to conserving biodiversity in the company’s factories. Care for and harmonious interaction with the environment.
Business conduct – Commitment to doing business with integrity, effectively applying the Code of Ethics and Conduct, in addition to observing Internal management procedures and Work Instruction Manuals. Continuous improvement in compliance and in anti-corruption measures and systems.
Products and services 102-2 | 103-2 | 103-3
Avibras maintains research and development, as well as industrial and human resources training centres for areas that demand cutting edge technology. Its industrial park, located in Lorena and Jacareí, complies with Brazilian and international quality and safety standards and is equipped for the large scale production, integration and certification of military systems, designed to meet the needs of each customer.
The company is engaged in the Brazilian Space Programme (PEB), developing and producing accessories and the S50 motors to be used by the Micro-Satellite Launch Vehicle (VLM-1), a project undertaken in partnership with the Brazilian Air Force’s (FAB) Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE), with Brazilian Space Agency (AEB/MCTIC) funding provided by an agreement with the Fundação de Ciência, Aplicações e Tecnologias Espaciais (Funcate).
Also worthy of note is the Brazilian Army’s (EB) ASTROS 2020 Strategic Programme, in which Avibras is the focal point. The main goal is to provide ground forces with efficient long range precision fire capabilities, ensuring extra-regional dissuasion and defence of the country’s sovereignty. As one of the drivers of the transformation of the Brazilian army, the scope of the programme encompasses research and development projects, the acquisition and modernization of vehicles and the construction of physical structures – an example of the successful application of the Triple Helix model of innovation in which the state, industry and academia work together. The partnership between the Brazilian defence industry, the Brazilian Army and academics in the research and development of strategic defence products is fundamental for national sovereignty.
The work done by Avibras includes the conception and supply of tactical cruise missiles and guided rockets, ranging from the conception to the engineering plans, test flights, prototypes and the definition of aggregate inputs with integrated high-level technology. This also includes the supply of the new MK6 ASTROS launch vehicles and the updating of the MK3 models to MK6 operating specifications, including the supply of integrated simulators employing state-of-the-art training and simulation technology.
The company also partners with the Brazilian Air Force in the A-Darter programme for the development of a fifth generation air combat missile which should equip the new Gripen fighter aircraft. In its partnership with the Brazilian Navy (MB), Avibras, together with other companies in Brazil’s Industrial Defence Base, is developing an Anti-Ship Surface Missile. The company is responsible for the motor and other components, as well as for the final integration of the missile, which should equip future navy vessels. See other products and services developed by the company.