this report

Avibras is publishing its Sustainability Report for the fourth consecutive year, with the objective of presenting the company’s initiatives and results, reporting on practices, sharing knowledge and demonstrating accountability to its stakeholder groups, the market and society in general.

Click here to access the full 2019
Avibras Sustainability Report.


Avibras has paid close attention to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, responding responsibly to the guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Health and competent bodies.

Learn more about all the initiatives adopted

With the health and safety of its employees, customers, service providers and partners in mind, Avibras has sought to adopt best practices for combating the virus in its installations.

Videolaryngoscope project: prevention of doctors’ contamination in the patients’ intubation procedure

The company has also applied initiatives based on science and technology in combating COVID-19, in addition to providing support for the communities in the regions in which it operates.

Manufacturing of face shield masks to support municipalities inassisting victims of the pandemic

To ensure greater focus in this effort, the company created a work front dedicated to finding alternatives and solutions to attenuate the effects of the crisis. Employees from diverse areas have been engaged in measures to support municipal governments in the provision of assistance to victims of the pandemic.

Delivery of face shield masks to city halls in the region

In the midst of the uncertainties caused by the pandemic, Avibras will maintain its internal and external measures to combat the virus both inside and outside its installations, prioritising people’s lives and well-being.

from the CEO

We had an intense year in 2019 in terms of achievements and transformations that drove the company and the continuity of the Avibras por Excelência Programe (AVPEX). We proceeded to strengthen the company culture, mainly by promoting our four priorities: safety and security, quality, on-time delivery and costs.

During the year, we implemented a series of initiatives aimed at boosting productivity and business efficiency. Our financial results reflect these efforts. These results demonstrate that, even aware that we have many challenges ahead of us, we are on the right track, guided by effective strategy formulation. In operating terms, our sales efforts and expertise in project development were essential in the company’s growth.

Close to completing 60 years of activities, characterized by major achievements, Avibras is focused on its sales effort, on the development of new businesses and on constant advances in results-oriented innovation and technology. ...

João Brasil Carvalho Leite

To read the fulls CEO´s message, click here.


Revenue growth

In 2019, Avibras posted significant revenue growth, with a 51% increase compared with the previous year. Higher productivity, combined with efforts to increase efficiency and continuous improvement, together with effective financial management, were the main drivers of consistent growth in the company's financial indicators.
Learn more about Avibras' 2019 financial indicators

Products and services

In terms of products and developments, particularly worthy of note was Avibras’partnership with the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE), attached to the Aerospace Science and Technology Department (DCTA), resulting in the signature of a technology transfer contract granting Avibras a license to produce and commercialise the VSB-30,a suborbital vehicle that has achieved great success in the Brazilian Space Programme in terms of the number of launches.
Learn more

Continuity of the Avibras por Excelência Programe (AVPEX)

Launched in 2017, AVPEX is the company management model. With this management model, the company is consolidating and integrating all its efforts in pursuit of excellence, fully aligned with its corporate identity, its fronts of activity and its strategic planning.
Learn more about the continuity of the AVPEX

Beginning of the effective Avibras Technology and Innovation Space (EATI)

2019 saw the launch of the EATI Xperience Day, an experience that provides young students from universities all over Brazil with the opportunity to interact with highly regarded professionals, both in Avibras as well as external guests, and to observe the application of technology and innovation in the company’s products and solutions.
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Improvements to supplier management

In 2019, the most salient characteristics in Avibras’relations with its supply chain were rationalisation and improvements in management.The final objective is to drive continuous evolution in an integrated manner. Ensuring satisfaction for the end customer by means of quality assurance in supplies and throughout the supply chain.
Learn more about supplier management improvements in 2019

Strengthening of local development actions and relationships with communities.

Relations with the communities surrounding its operations are of fundamental importance for Avibras in its capacity as a civicminded company and a relevant social actor. With the objective of promoting local development, the company has increasingly forged closer relations with the communities of São José dos Campos, Jacareí and Lorena in the state of São Paulo, as well as with local governments, organisations and associations in these regions.
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Implanted its “Cleaner Production” tool

Aimed at increasing efficiency in the use of raw materials, in water consumption and in the use of alternative energy sources, driving awareness of the need for sustainability throughout the production chain.
Learn more about our environmental management initiatives in 2019

em 2019

Crescimento de receita

Em 2019, a Avibras apresentou um crescimentode receita significativo, da ordem de 51% em relação ao anterior. A maiorprodutividade, aliada a um esforço de aumento de eficiência e de melhoriacontínua, juntamente com uma gestão financeira apropriada, foram os principaisimpulsionadores do crescimento consistente nos resultadosfinanceiros da companhia.

Saiba mais sobre os resultados financeiros da Avibras em 2019

Produtos e serviços

Na grande variedade de produtos e serviços da Avibras, houve novidades como o Míssil Tático de Cruzeiro (MTC-300) – no âmbito do Programa Estratégico do Exército ASTROS 2020 – o veículo suborbital VSB-30 e os motores foguetes S50 do Veículo Lançador de Microssatélites (VLM-1), entre outros.

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Continuidade do Programa Avibras por Excelência (AVPEX)

Lançado em 2017, o AVPEX é o modelo de gestão da companhia. Com esse modelo de gestão, a companhia consolida e integra todos os esforços em busca da excelência, sempre alinhados à identidade corporativa, aos pilares de atuação e ao planejamento estratégico da empresa.

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Início da atuação efetiva do Espaço Avibras de Tecnologia e Inovação (EATI)

Em 2019, foi lançado o EATI Experience Day, experiência que proporciona a jovens profissionais conceituados, tanto da Avibras como convidados externos, e observar a aplicação da tecnologia e da inovação em produtos e soluções da companhia.

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Aprimoramento da gestão de fornecedores:

Em 2019, as características marcantes no relacionamento da Avibras com a cadeia de suprimentos foram racionalização e aprimoramentos na gestão. O objetivo final é evoluir continuamente, de forma integrada, e contribuir para garantir a satisfação do cliente final por meio de qualidade assegurada em toda a cadeia de fornecimento e suprimentos.

Saiba mais sobre as melhorias na gestão de fornecedores em 2019

Fortalecimento das ações de desenvolvimento local e relacionamento com as comunidades

Em 2019, foi lançado o EATI Experience Day, experiência que proporciona a jovens profissionais conceituados, tanto da Avibras como convidados externos, e observar a aplicação da tecnologia e da inovação em produtos e soluções da companhia.

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Implantação da ferramenta “Produção + Limpa”

Para aumentar a eficiência no uso de matérias-primas, no consumo de água e na utilização de fontes alternativas de energia, estimulando a consciência sustentável ao longo de toda a cadeia produtiva.

Saiba mais sobre nossas iniciativas de gestão ambiental em 2019.

A Avibras

A Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial é uma empresa privada, sociedade anônima de capital fechado, 100% brasileira, reconhecida mundialmente pela sua excelência e pela qualidade de seus produtos, serviços e sistemas.

A empresa tem orgulho de integrar a Base Industrial de Defesa (BID) brasileira, onde tem posição relevante, e já está inserida, com grande potencial de evolução, no Programa Espacial Brasileiro.

Está entre as 100 maiores empresas do Setor de Defesa do mundo e entre as 100 maiores empresas exportadoras do Brasil, atua nas áreas de Defesa, Aeronáutica, Espacial e Veicular, oferecendo produtos, serviços e soluções com alto valor agregado e ênfase em tecnologia e inovação.


Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial S.A. (Avibras) is a privately owned, 100% Brazilian company recognised globally for the excellence and quality of its products, services and systems.

The company is proud of its key position in the Brazilian industrial defence base(BID) and in the Brazilian Space Programme (PEB), in which it has great growth potential. 

It is one of the hundred largest companies in the Defence sector worldwide and one of the hundred largest exporters in Brazil. Operates in the Defence, Aeronautics, Space, Electronics and Vehicle sectors, supplying high added value products, services and solutions, with emphasis on technology and innovation. 

Avibras has a diversified industrial complex, with two plants in Jacareí and Lorena, in the state of São Paulo, which include manufacturing facilities, laboratories, development centres, testing areas and warehousing space. It has a broad technology portfolio and a highly qualified team.

and services

Avibras has diversified lines of products and services in the sectors in which it operates.

Defence sector
Vehicle Division
Electronics and Software Division
Space sector
Materials Division
Civilian market
Technical Support
NATO cataloguing services
(A new area of activity)
To learn more about our products and services, click here and visit our website

Gestão de pessoas

O desenvolvimento contínuo e a valorização dos colaboradores da Avibras fazem parte da estratégia de crescimento da empresa, que é movida pela excelência para continuar alcançando os objetivos e os resultados desejados. O sucesso da companhia depende, fundamentalmente, de sua gente, que contribui para a competitividade dos negócios, com conhecimento, experiência e talento. No fim de 2019, a Avibras contava com 1.895 colaboradores.

Saiba mais sobre a nossaGestão de pessoas e as ações voltadas aos colaboradores em 2019

Highlights – products and services
in partnership with the Armed Forces in 2019

Avibras participates in the binational programme between the Brazilian Air Force and South Africa for the development of the fifth generation of the short range A-Darterair-to-air missile to equip the air force’s new GripenNG fighter planes.The final stage of the contract of the joint missile development contract was concluded in October 2019. This involved the delivery of the rocket engine produced by Avibras.
The Avibras ASTROS System is adopted by both the Army and the Navy Fusiliers Corp in Brazil. It has also been used by the armed forces of diverse other countries since the 1980s. The development of the MTC project advanced greatly in 2019 with the approval of the main contractual requirements by the Brazilian Army. In parallel, the rocket guidance, control and onboard electronics system for the AV-SS-40G guided rocket was validated. The product and processes are fully developed by the company employing innovative solutions.
In the Brazilian Navy’s Anti-Ship Surface Missile programme (MANSUP), Avibras is responsible for the propulsion system (engine) and other components, as well as for the final assembly of the missile prototypes. In 2019, the company concluded its participation in the second phase of the MANSUP project, which should equip future vessels in the Brazilian Navy fleet.
SKYFIRE is a system of 70 mm airto- surface and surface-to-surface rockets. The system, launched in 1998, comprises launchers, rockets and support material. This is complete system which is versatile and considered to be extremely effective. The rockets may be launched from fixed wing or rotor aircraft, as well as from ground launchers. The SKYFIRE-70 rockets are also used as sub-calibre training munitions in the ASTROS system.


The Avibras Culture, under pinned by a series of processes, policies, standards, regulations and guidelines, is a moving organism under going constant evolution. 

The Avibras way of being is unique and represents the company’s culture, which is oriented to putting the company’s four priorities -safety and security, quality (focus in 2019), on-time delivery and costs. 

Valuing and continuously developing Avibras employees is integral to the company’s growth strategy, which is driven by excellence with a view to guaranteeing its goals and results.The company’s success depends essentially on its people, whose knowledge, experience and talent contribute to its competitiveness. Avibras ended 2019 with 1,895 employees.

Learn more about our Culture and the impact of our Avibras por Excelência Programme - AVPEX in all our activities in 2019

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